Well into the fifth week of achilles tendonitis, much reflection has been given to why this injury exists in my left leg. Secondarily, what caused all the other injuries I have incurred from running?
Achilles tendonitis in right leg (2009)
Morton's Neuroma in right foot (2010 - 2011)
Plantar fasciitis in left foot (2011)
Achilles tendonitis in left leg (2012)
So, what caused these injuries? I have no idea, nor will I ever know because there is no film of me running during these times, only race photographs. I used to heal-strike, so maybe that was it. Then I gradually changed to a forefoot striker, but maybe my upper body wasn't moving in concert with my legs. Maybe my core was too weak. At this point, it doesn't matter what was, only what will be.
What amounts to speculation results in lack of proof. However, there is ample amounts of research.
At http://www.naturalrunningcenter.com/, there is an excellent video of proper running economy. I have studied this video several times, which led me to video my form on a treadmill. I found few differences. BUT, I was wearing Vibrams when I filmed myself. So how do I run with shoes?
Experiment and Commitment: For the next several months, I am going to run solely in Vibram Five Fingers - Bikila (and eventually in Spryidon Trail LS) in an effort to fix my maladies and injury-ridden legs. If I can develop a economical form that reduces / eleminates injury, then I will gain countless running years in my life. And what about speed? I will sacrifice speed in the short term to gain efficiency in the long term, but based on research of aging and speed, I should be able to regain my current fitness quickly, and eventually surpase it.
Let me be clear - I am not running barefoot. I am running in Vibrams, which some consider to be the same as running barefoot, but shouldn't. I am going to invest in my legs, in the gift that God has given me, to extend my running life for as long as possible. I am blessed to be able to run, and if I don't take care of the gift I have been given, it could expire.
2012 Plan: For the next 4 weeks, I will run every other day, beginning at 1.3 miles per day, working up to 5 - 7 miles per day. The following month, I will add in an extra run per week, and gradually increase my mileage. If my body tells me to back off, I will. If I feel I can go more, I will not, until month 3.
2012 Races: My spring schedule is pretty much shot right now. I can either rush through recovery with shoes, run the races, and risk delay of healing, OR I can cut my loses now, pick a goal race, and take baby steps to get there.
June - Hospital Hill 13.1 (used as a training run)
July - Psycho Psummer Run Toto Run 50k (trail) - Goal race
October - Kansas City Marathon - Goal Race
To be continued...
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