"God only gives to us what we can handle; I wish He didn't trust me so much." - M.T.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Plans

With the advent of a new year, comes a new set of obsessions, or a subset of obsessions channeled through the same obsession of running. Following a fantastic climax in 2012 with the Kansas City Marathon (3:18, PR), where coming off an Achilles injury seemed to derail the entire train, I am renewed physically and emotionally.

My original goal, established during my 2012 recovery, was to focus on the shorter, triathlon races...Olympic distance. This would mean less time running, more time bicycling and swimming, and less chance for injury. However, I am a runner, and no amount of time spent watching the 2010 Hawaii Ironman over and over again will change that disposition. I am a runner.

After careful consideration, I have nearly finalized 2013. 
  • February - Sweetheart Shuffle 10k
  • April - Brew to Brew solo (44.4 miles, road)
  • June - Hospital Hill Half Marathon
  • September - Hawk 100 (tentative)
  • October - Kansas City Marathon
 I will probably include a few more 10k races, but only because they are held in Lee's Summit, where I live, and because the directing company does a great job with them. Running should be fun, first and foremost, and their races fit the bill.

My objective this year is two-fold: don't spend any more money than necessary on a race; race only the events I REALLY want to accomplish. Given these objectives, I shouldn't have signed up for HH, but plans change. It's a great race, and might be a nice departure coming off my first ultra (Brew to Brew).

Given the freezing conditions, I am on the treadmill some, running on an indoor track (200 meters) at work, and man-ing up for some outdoor runs. I really hate the cold, couple with never bringing music or a watch, this might be more of a mental excercise than anything else.

I list the Hawk 100 in September as tentative...if Brew to Brew goes well, then I am definitely signing up. If it is awful, then I might sign up. Either way, Brew to Brew is my primary race this year. I am beginning to become emotionally bound to this goal, and that is the key to my success.


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